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Aenomaly is not your typical component or accessory brand. Our goal is to focus on fringe developments. Think "radical" before the word wore threadbare. We are riders with the passion and the nerve to pursue cycling innovations that make you take pause.


Our debut product, the SwitchGrade, was cherry-picked to showcase our way of thinking and to lay down the essence of our brand. It embodies all that we stand for: groundbreaking innovation, undeniable function, bold design aesthetics, and precision engineering. But most importantly, the SwitchGrade, like all of our thoroughly researched concepts, is a sleeper: you likely won't know you need it until you've learned what it does.


While we are inspired by the masters in our field, our mission at Aenomaly is to create our own blue oceans and dive headlong into the waters of uncharted imagination.


That journey is just beginning and we're inviting you along for the ride.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products
Member Saves $171.00
AENOMALY SwitchGrade - BlackoutAENOMALY SwitchGrade - Blackout
Sale price$388.00 Regular price$559.00
AENOMALY SwitchGrade - BlackoutAENOMALY Reviews
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